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[note: presently, pokémon go datamining here showed the the dex id for both meltan and melmetal were 808 and 809 respectively, but it could just be temporary internal numbering] after the announcements of meltan, the pokémon company international seemed rather quiet, until another video popped up in which they announced yet another pokémon.this time it was the evolution of meltan, namely melmetal. this is an all new situation because no mythical pokémon to date has evolved. the only other exception to the mythical formula, was regarding manaphy and phione: manaphy could breed phione, but phione could not evolve into manaphy. meltan is only able to evolve into melmetal as of now, by using 400 meltan candies on meltan in pokémon go. it's unknown as of yet if this will change in the future. if it doesn't, it means it would be really hard to get a melmetal; which is usual with mythical pokémon. according to the pokémon company it may not change which could indicate that in future games it will be especially hard to get this pokémon. source: read more... 0 comments 88 views mythical pokémon meltan revealed! by theslayer , in news , september 25 the official pokémon website just officially revealed a new mythical pokémon, meltan! a day before chikorita community day, it's 3d models and sprite images was dumped from pokémon go network traffic. the dumped 2d sprites and gifs of the animation as below: right after chikorita community day, ditto started masquerading as meltan appeared in the wild in pokémon go. here are some screenshots of the outbreak on the day itself. [technical info: the developers temporary replaced the unreleased kecleon with meltan's models, animations and cries] here are some official screenshots: various pages and sources: english page: meltan reveal page prof willow and oak's discussion video (episode 1) with tweets relating to meltan japanese page: meltan news page meltan pokedex page mythical page meltan in pokemon go video prof willow and oak's discussion video (episode 1) chinese page: meltan reveal page prof willow and oak's discussion video (episode 1) read more... 15 comments 1,380 views pkhex 18.09.11 by jasenyoface , in news , september 11 pkhex is a save editor for core-series pokémon games. with it, users can manipulate various save files including: .sav, .dsv, .dat, .gci, .raw, and .bin types. pkhex can also read and write: .pk files, which are individual pokémon files, and .pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc, which are mystery gift files. version 18.09.11 of pkhex has been released, adding legality checking improvements and fixing bugs. change log: download | faq | support forum read more... 0 comments 4,119 views prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 next page 1 of 32 our picks pokémon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky fan dub evandixon posted an article in news , june 28 following the success of his fan dub of pokémon super mystery dungeon, youtuber thegoldcrow has started a new project: a fan dub of pokémon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky. 2 replies picked by evandixon , june 28 pkhex 18.04.18 jasenyoface posted an article in news , april 17 0 replies picked by jasenyoface , april 18 singapore police team up with pokemon to help stop crime evandixon added singapore police team up with pokemon to help stop crime tpci and jurong police division team up to spread awareness on crime prevention and public safety. 4 images picked by jasenyoface , march 26 porybox 1.4.0: ultra sun and ultra moon support! theslayer posted an article in news , march 17 porybox is an open-source online pokémon viewer and clone checker. upload your pk6, pk7 or save files to your account to display your pokémon’s information! 3 replies picked by jasenyoface , march 18 pkhex 18.01.28 jasenyoface posted an article in news , january 28 pkhex 18.01.28 has been released! 0 replies picked by jasenyoface , january 28 view all who's online 5 members, 0 anonymous, 127 guests (see full list) mydxadry1 sabresite thatmember alexg93 swagkey topics 0 pid legality using desmume nightly by charizardoutrage2 started 3 hours ago 113 lf: pokémon go - unique moves and event moves by theslayer started june 21 1 [request] pokémon y legit file for citra. by bellossom94 started 14 hours ago 1,337 tool pk3ds: 3ds rom editor & randomizer by kaphotics started february 10, 2015 21 answered cute charm glitch help by omegaex started august 3, 2015 73 tool pokemon colosseum/xd randomiser tool (osx) by starsmmd started april 7, 2016 218 sky editor: the first save editor for pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky by evandixon started may 5, 2013 22 managing 3ds saves: using jksm by ninfanboyftw started september 27, 2017 discord server: project pokémon 55 1revenger1 _bonesy_ alexvgc bluntmaster bond697 join us! affiliates portal all activity home theme site theme (default) ips default privacy policy contact us powered by invision community × existing user? sign in sign up home about us back about us staff guidelines open applications pokédex games tutorials forums back forums our picks leaderboard all activity downloads back downloads pkhex event gallery other downloads gallery chat back chat irc irc staff irc rules blogs clubs calendar technical documentation